Person and values for solidarity: axiological meanings. [Portuguese]


  • Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses Instituto Politécnico de Saúde do Norte – Famalicão
  • Maria Clara Simões Instituto Politécnico de Saúde do Norte – Famalicão


This paper focuses on Max Scheler`s idea of person and its meaning in terms of values organized according categories. The work of Scheler on ethics expands the solidarity of the person as cordis ordo by the construction of a hierarchical system of values. Therefore, the recognition of the realm of universal values, a sector of which forms the ethos of a given age, has to be supplemented by that of the order of the time with its individual values and claims. There are many lectures of values in axiological philosophy, as we explain in this paper according to material-values ethics, and they are very important in the revelation of the Other.


