Art and technology: The ethical and political challenges of transgenic art. [Spanish]


  • Sergio Roncallo Dow Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


Arte transgénico, Eduardo Kac, ética, política, estética contemporánea, bioética,


The purpose of this article is to discuss the ethical and political problems that we face when we think of transgenic art. The paper is articulated in three parts that seek, in the first place, to give readers the conceptual tools necessary to think of the transgenic art inserted within the panorama of contemporary aesthetics. In order to fulfill this purpose the paper presents two Works by Eduardo Kac, leading exponent of the movement: Genesis and GFP Bunny. Later, visiting some ideas of Jacques Ranciére, an ethicalpolitical reading of transgenic art is proposed and a path of discussion is opened to think the role of bioethics in a world where genetic manipulation and the upgrade of bodies is a reality.


