Perception, consciousness of image and aesthetic consideration in edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. [Spanish]


  • Jesús Guillermo Ferrer Ortega Universidad Industrial de Santander.


Bildobjekt, objetoimagen, Bildsujet, tema de la imagen, liberación,


Husserl’s concept of subjectivity doesn’t bound to its logical and episte­­mological aspects, but it extends to its ethic und aesthetic dimensions. The external perception constitutes the original and founding experience of transcendental life. Moreover the per­­ception’s trend to a complete vision of the things moves the whole subject and explains its dynamism. This trend is just an ideal, which any kind of sub­­jective effort could realize. However Husserl considers some experiences, which imply the subject’s “liberation” from the passivity of a tendency to a total intuition of the objects. That’s the case of the aesthetic consideration of the images. Beside she announces a peculiar way of relationship with the world and the others, but in another way as the perception.


