Sensibility and morality in Kant. [Spanish]


  • Alejandro Mumbrú Mora Universidad de Barcelona.


Exposición simbólica, analogía, significado,


The article Sensibility and Morality in Kant presents an exposition of Kant’s practical philosophy from the epistemological assumptions that link the entire transcendental philosophy. According to Kant, the basis of the possibility that our concepts are cognitively valid rests on the possibility of referring or exposing them to sensibility. Therefore the representation (exposition or sensibilization) of the concept of moral duty arises as especially problematic, since the universality and necessity inherent to this concept is fully inderivable from experience. This article delves into the Kantian concept of «symbolic exposition» as a signifying model that agrees with the specificity of morality. It also tries to clarify how the Kantian requirement of an analogical use of the concept of nature in the reflection over the moral correction of our actions should be understood.


