The Truth as Inspiration in the Thought of Emmanuel Lévinas [Spanish]


  • Francisco Javier Rodríguez Piñero Universidad Católica de Santa Fe


Lévinas, truth, inpiration, face, teachimg, other


Emmanuel Lévinas has developed his ethics of otherness from a vision of subjectivity as language and proximity. This article investigates the notion of truth as inspiration proposed by Lévinas, which is presented as an alternative to the classical conception
of truth as unveiling and representation. Methodologically, the Levinasian work is analyzed, especially Otherwise than being or beyond essence, reaching the conclusion that
the inspired and prophetic subjectivity, the Other in the same that calls for responsibility, opens the horizon of a truth that is not adequacy but teaching and restlessness. The truth does not emerge as a cognitive activity of the individual subject, but is born in ethical praxis as an inspiration to responsibility.


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