Heidegger: Poetry, esthetics and truth. [Spanish]


  • Marta De La Vega Visbal Universidad Simón Bolívar


Language, forgetting of being, aletheia, truth, unconcealment, Dichtung, Poetry, poiesis, creation, aesthetics, fundamental ontology, real life or authenticity,


The analysis of Heidegger’s conception of language serves as a starting point and common thread to explain his aesthetics theory and the linkage and relationship between aesthetics and ontology, and between aesthetics and truth, understood as aletheia, as an “out of oblivion”, as “un-concealment.” Second, we analyze the constitutive characteristics of Da-sein, as being-in-the-world, from the point of view of language. Third, considering the historical horizon as ontologically constitutive of Da-sein, we try to explain from real life what does this temporality mean and what does create mean, as well as why the creation of a work of art occupies an important place in relation to Heidegger’s proposal. We finally ask what is poetry to Heidegger and in what ways it is inseparable from the truth (aletheia). And we try to interpret the scope of Poetry (Dichtung) in relation to aesthetics and of language in relation to the truth. Lenguaje, olvido del ser, aletheia (verdad), desocultación, Dichtung (Poesía), poiesis, creación, estética, ontología fundamental, vida auténtica o autenticidad.

Author Biography

Marta De La Vega Visbal, Universidad Simón Bolívar

Departamento de Ciencias Sociales.


