The idea of moral autonomy in the ethics of Hermann Cohen. [Spanish]


  • Héctor Arrese Igor Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Autonomy, ethics, Cohen, neokantism,


In this paper the aim is to reconstruct the rationale of moral autonomy in Hermann Cohen´s ethics. In order to achieve this aim, I consider the complexity of the concept of moral autonomy at its four levels. Mi hypothesis is that Cohen´s argumentation goes from the formal abstraction of the self-legislation to the concrete moment of the selfpreservation. I analyze then Eggert Winter´s critic of Cohen´s concept of moral autonomy, who questions the integration of the levels of the particularity and the universality in this fundamental moment of the theory. Against Winter I argue that Cohen´s process of argumentation succeeds in connecting the different levels of the concept of moral autonomy.

Author Biography

Héctor Arrese Igor, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Docente de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Doctor en Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Ha publicado numerosos artículos sobre ética, filosofía política y filosofía del derecho, en especial en la filosofía clásica alemana.


