The development of Paul Ricour's concept of testimony. [Spanish]


  • Esteban Lythgoe Universidad Católica de Argentina (UCA)


Memor, history, hermeneutics,


This paper tries to show that there has been an evolution in Paul Ricoeur’s concept of testimony and that also his first juridical definition is different from others of the same origin. To determine this point we will compare his definition with C.A.J. Coady’s. We will try to explain the motives, implications and limitations of its differences. Then it will be established that in Remembering, history and oblivion the philosopher leaves the juridical concept of testimony, which main issues are to be a declaration inside a debate, and prefers an other one that define it as a dialogical natural institution. Our hypothesis is that this change was not due to phenomenical but to contextual causes.

Author Biography

Esteban Lythgoe, Universidad Católica de Argentina (UCA)

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones.


