Society, Algorithms and the Digital Question Book Reviews Byung-Chul Han, No-cosas: Quiebras del mundo de hoy. Barc elona México: Taurus, 2021, 141 pp.; Byung-Chul Han, Infokratie. Digitalisierung und Krise der Demokratie, Berlin: Mathes & Seitz, 2021, 92 pp.


  • Osman Daniel Choque Aliaga 336037


Byung-Chul Han, philosophy


The South Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han, who studied at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, was professor of philosophy at the Universität der Künste Berlin and is known as one of the prolific writers. Perhaps one of the most widely read authors in the field of philosophy. People prefer to read him rather than Kant or Hegel and this is due to the versatility with which he covers his topics. In earlier works, which appeared rapidly each year, he analyzed the negative symptoms of the present. His harsh criticism of postmodernism, like every Heideggerian enthusiast, has been evident in his observations on consumption, fatigue, love and tiredness, love and eroticism. On this occasion, the poet of decadence, devotes himself to examining aspects of contemporary society focusing on the question of the digital in two texts: No-cosas and Infokratie.

Author Biography

Osman Daniel Choque Aliaga, 336037


Carrera 78a - N. 80 - 49 Bloque 19 Apto 419.


Choque, O. (2017). ‘El caballero de la exactitud perversa’. El tiempo histórico y la discontinuidad histórica en el pensamiento de Michel Foucault. Estudios De Filosofía, (55), 119–143. https://doi.


Han, B.-C. (2021a). No-cosas: Quiebras del mundo de hoy. Joaquín Chamorro (trad.). Taurus.

Han, B.-C. (2021b). Infokratie. Digitalisierung und Krise der Demokratie. Mathes & Seitz.





Book review