Emancipation and Authenticity: The Place of the Human Being in the Philosophies of Heidegger and the Young Karl Marx


  • Felipe Montero UBA


Heidegger, Marx, Feuerbach, Kant, philosophical anthropology, comunism, philosophy


The purpose of this paper is to examine the philosophies of the late Heidegger and the young Marx side by side to show how, while differing radically in some important aspects, both philosophies are motivated by similar concerns and are not so different as to preclude a productive dialogue between them. In so far as both thinkers can be said to have thought, taking the word in a Heideggerian sense, the “same”, the way both philosophies diverge from each other can be especially illuminating when it comes to offering a clear interpretation of them (a task which is especially important to gain an understanding of Heidegger’s philosophy which is often obscure). We’ll see how Heidegger’s notion of finitude implies a series of criticisms of Marx’s philosophy. Finally, I’ll pose a question regarding the limits of Heidegger’s criticism of Marx,
considering that this criticism goes as far as to criticize the idea that all human beings are equal and so implies a rejection of the idea of human rights.


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