The Human Being in The Essays by Miguel de Montaigne


  • Jairo Ramón López Hernández Universidad del Norte


Montaigne, Essays, human condition, body, soul, movement and experience


The question about the human being in Montaigne runs through the entire book of The Essays. A question that Montaigne answers in his process of painting and describing himself, where he finds the entire human condition. As he writes, he comes across the question, what do I know? Who seeks to give answers in his fluctuating
writings, which reflect his experience of living as a human, proud and miserable, deified and humble, dualized and unified, in a being that is body and soul in a kind of marital union. In the first part of this article, I delve into what it means for Montaigne
to understand the human being from his fluctuating condition. In a second part, I will delve into the human condition from the experience and humility that allows Montaigne to detach himself from anthropocentrism. In the third part, from the work I will come to understand the unity of man in his body and soul as a married couple. Finally, I will not leave aside the conversational aspect in the Montanian anthropological understanding, which allows it to experience plurality, diversity and tolerance.

Author Biography

Jairo Ramón López Hernández , Universidad del Norte

Realizo los estudios de doctorado en Filosofía en la Universidad de Antioquia Colombia. Soy profesor catedrático de la Universidad del Norte en las áreas de Filosofía de la Educación y Ética.  Soy docente de filosofía en el Colegio La enseñanza de Barranquilla.


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