The Roots of The Freedom Tree.

Hölderlin and Hegel Facing Rousseau


  • Gonzalo Santiago Rodriguez Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Modern Philosophy, Freedom, Hölderlin, Rousseau


Rousseau´s importance for the postkantian idealism has been poorly researched. Hidden by the Kantian interpretation, the work of the Geneva thinker seems to have no relevant influence. Departing from an interpretative analysis of the literary sources and a comparison of the literary sources, our paper aims to show, using Hölderlin and Hegel´s Tubingen and the immediately subsequent works (1791-1795), that Rousseau´s influence has a decisive importance to understand the artistic and religious program of our authors. This analysis will allow us to understand that Rousseau is not a philosopher, nor an enlightenment figure, but rather a wise man, the bringer of a practical doctrine whose main principle consisted in supreme human dignity and the idea of freedom interpreted as autonomy.

Author Biography

Gonzalo Santiago Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

D. in Philosophy (UNCUYO), Specialist in Philosophy with Children and Youth (UNCUYO) and Diploma in Social Sciences (FLACSO). He is an effective Head of Practical Works at the Faculty of Education of the National University of Cuyo and a scholarship holder of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). He is also co-director and researcher of projects accredited by the Secretariat of International Research and Graduate Studies of the National University of Cuyo. His research interests are modern and contemporary philosophy, with special emphasis on German idealism as well as the relationship between philosophy and education.

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