Cooperation or Value

The Limits of Valorization in Karl Marx's Grundrisse


  • Cristián Sucksdorf Instituto de Filosofía Dr Alejandro Korn, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires


cooperation, crisis, Marx, social power, value, violence


This paper questions the consequences of the failed character of capital valorization in the Grundrisse, that is, the remnant of social cooperation that during general crises
capital fails to fully convert into value. To better understand the relationship between
value and cooperation, a point of comparison will be sought with the relationship established by The German ideology between direct cooperation, called “social power”,
and its alienated form, called “alien violence”. This relationship will be expanded from other conceptions such as those of Walter Benjamin, Elías Canetti, and León
Rozitchner. Finally, these results will be contrasted with two classic interpretations
of the Grundrisse: that of Enrique Dussel, which accentuates the exteriority of work in the face of value, and that of Antonio Negri, focused on the relationship between
crisis, value and class struggle.


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