The Art-Cartography: The Work of Art as a Map of Intensity


  • Felipe Matti Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Gilles Deleuze, aesthetics, intensity, art-cartography, thousand plateaus


In this paper the characterization of the work of art as a map of intensity, as proposed by Gilles Deleuze in his essay What the children say (gathered in Critique et clinique), will be analyzed. Art’s cartographic aspect is linked to the concept of deterritorialization
and the Body without Organs that the philosopher, along with Félix Guattarí, develops in Thousand Plateaus. Thus, the art-cartography represents the becoming-world of the subject that transits the Body-without-organs and the intensive differences that populate
the desert of multiplicity. Each way travelled is descripted by an artistic map where the haecceities and the thresholds of flows that pierce through the disorganized bodies are portrayed. The map of intensity would be the cartographic representation of the haul travelled by a subject immersed in a hodologic space, being every line of the map a journey within an intensive space.


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