Vocation as a Way of Life, Freedom, and Dedication


  • Iver Armando Beltrán García Universidad de Chalcatongo


Vocation, Way of life, Dialogue, Community, Tradition


Vocation, as the distinctive phenomenon of man’s being, is broken down and explained in its basic elements to elaborate a definition. At the first moment, it is used an analytical method, and at a later moment a synthetic one. As a result, vocation constitutes a form of conscious and voluntary life to which the subject is dedicated as a final goal, always inside a community and a tradition and in dialogue with both, and in its strict sense it includes talent. Works of Eduardo Nicol, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, and Luis Villoro are the main sources. The paper is relevant, among other reasons, by focusing on the ontological and anthropological bases of the studied phenomenon; because of the amplitude and flexibility of the definition offered, and because it takes into account the dialogical, community, and traditional dimensions of it.


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