Moral Psychology and A Multidimensional Conception of the Self in Hume's Philosophy: the Case of the Moral Self [Spanish]


  • Leandro Guerrero Universidad de Buenos Aires


self, passions, morals, dimensions, formation


Among the commentators which problematize the issue of the moral self in David Hume’s thought, Pauline Chazan (1998) has argued for the existence of certain tensions between the passional subject Hume thematizes in Book 2 of A Treatise of Human Nature and the subsequent entrance of this subject into the moral domain, as elaborated upon in Book 3. This paper offers an innovative reading of Hume's theory of subjectivity, which allows reconsidering and resolving this apparent conflict between the passional self and the moral self. To do so, it develops a multidimensional conception of the self that allows conceiving of the formation of the self as a complex and gradual process which simultaneously involves several different levels, which although they can be studied separately, are closely linked.




