Corporal experience of language in Merleau-Ponty: notes for a phenomenology of inter-culturality [Spanish]


  • Leonardo Verano Gamboa


Our starting point is the conception of language as "speech" (parole) in Merleau-Ponty. We argue that this concept, as corporal experience of language -as language "in" us - allows to understand the phenomenon of inter-culturality as an essentially intra-cultural phenomenon, in the sense of an experience of culture "from within", that is to say, from the experience that everyone does with the language. This endogenous and individual character of thinking about culture highlights, however, a reciprocal original "entanglement" (entrelacs :Verflechtung ) among one's own (das Eigene ) and the strange (das Fremde ) that initially prevents  to privilege even a universal or totalizing or either an individualistic or regionalist vision of culture. Two moments I take on this approach: 1. World of life and cultural diversity. 2. Speech as an access place to the cultures.






Dossier: Pensar el cuerpo

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