In front of absolute Harm, Resistance: a Reading Taken from Vladimir Jankélévitch [Spanish]


  • Lida Esperanza Villa Castaño Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


This article, following the teachings of the French philosopher Vladimir Jankélévitch, presents the ethics of resistance as a path facing the impossibility of pardon incases of extreme violence and, in particular, when there is no remorse on the part of the violence performer. The path of resistance shapes, therefore, not only the commitment and the need to keep alive the memory of the horror and the cherished ipséité, but also the possibility to feel again and redefine silence as a way to honour the victims without allowing the moral stance to be usurped by the judicial system or the rule of law. The central thesis that we would like to hold here is based on the following statement: If we can not forgive at least we can resist. Resistance concerns the duty of memory and the recovery of the silenced voice of victims in the public space.




