Panorama of the Convergent Ethics of Ricardo Maliandi [Spanish]


  • Gustavo Mauricio Salerno CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas) . Argentina. UNMDP (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata) - Argentina.


Filosofía, ética, fundamentación, moral, conflictividad, principio moral


In this essay, I try to provide an overview of the program of philosophical ethics
designed by Ricardo Maliandi (1930-2015), which can be understood as a basic
introduction to his main ideas and proposals. This work is part of a larger project
I am working on, based on the practical philosophy of Maliandi, which includes a
philosophical anthropology and an ethics. I will try to fulfil the objective by organizing my presentation this way. First, I rebuild the fundamentals of the convergent ethics (1); then, I summarize a reflection that illustrates the originality and depth of his thought (2) as well as some practical problems of our time to which the ethics of Maliandi pays attention and answers (3); and finally, I share a critical evaluation of the mentioned contributions (4).




