Two Times of the Unconscious [French]


  • Silvia Lippi Université de Paris VII


We are going to analyze the passage from the Freudian conception of the unconscious, to the Lacanian one, established from its last teaching. In this one, interpretation is not anymore the only way to approach inconscious. We are going to demonstrate the articulation of both unconscious, with the notion of “time”, and how the two different conceptions determine the direction of the treatment. In the first one, the unconscious will rather be envisaged from the past tense, while in the second one, from the future: contingence becomes thus the fundamental element to think the unconscious. So, psychoanalysis express itself as a discipline which aims is not only to reveal the determined mechanisms of the unconscious, but also as a practice capable of welcoming the unexpected and exploiting it in the treatment.

Author Biography

Silvia Lippi, Université de Paris VII

Docteur en psychologie, Chercheur associé au CRPMS (EA 3522) Université Diderot-Paris 7, Psychologue hospitalière titulaire (Etablissement Public de Santé Barthélémy Durand), Psychanalyste à Paris.




