First Principles in On Philosophy [Spanish]


  • Claudia Seggiaro UBA- CONICET


Aristóteles, primeros principios, conocimiento, Sobre la filosofía


On Philosophy is an exoteric work that is preserved in a fragmentary mode. It is assumed that it had three books. In the first two, Aristotle would have made a com­pendium of the different conceptions of philosophy and its respective object. In the third book he would have presented his own conceptions on the topics approached in the previous books. The few preserved fragments and the disparity of the sources by which they are transmitted represent a difficulty for establishing which would have been these conceptions. In this sense, in this paper we will try to demonstrate that in On philosophy Aristotle presented many of the theses related to the conception of the first philosophy as the study of the first principles and causes. With this end, we will focus on the analysis of the fragments 8b, 16, 17, 27a y27b. The examination of these fragments in light of the rest of the corpus will allow us to demonstrate that in On philosophy Aristotle have identified wisdom with the knowledge of these principles and causes.

Author Biography

Claudia Seggiaro, UBA- CONICET

Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Actualmente es investigadora asistente del CONICET y su principal área de trabajo es la filosofía antigua. Docente auxiliar de la cátedra Historia de la Filosofía Antigua (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - UBA). Desempeña también actividades docentes en el Ciclo Básico Común de la UBA. Es autora de artículos en revistas especializadas de filosofía griega clásica y de numerosas comunicaciones en congresos y jornadas, en su mayoría sobre distintos aspectos de la filosofía aristotélica.


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