Regarding of Language: Benjamin, Volóshinov and Lecercle [Spanish]


  • Sergio Martínez Vilajuana Universidad de Chile


In this work we propose an interpretation about the nature of language taking Walter Benjamin’s reflections as a starting point. We can find a beginning to this reflection in About a program of a philosophical future (Über das Programm der kom­menden Philosophie) and taking this reflection we will articulate it with other texts. On the one hand, our aim is to generate a constellation with two other authors, Valentin Voloshinov and Jean-Jacques Lecercle, to enlarge Benjamin’s philosophical reflection and to question the ideological formations and the political and social performativity. On the other hand, we will consider that this minor constellation of marxian philoso­phical thinkers of language acts in post-Kantian terms. Then, among other matters, we can remember that transformation (and not interpretation) is in the origin of thought.

Author Biography

Sergio Martínez Vilajuana, Universidad de Chile

Doctor (c) Filosofía. Mención Estética y Teoría del Arte.

Investigador asociado a la Facultad de Artes. Univerisdad de Chile


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