What is the Purpose of a Philosophy of the Apparatuses? [Spanish]


  • Diego Alejandro Estrada Mesa Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia



The concept of apparatus has turned in a common notion within the Human Sciences. Based on Michel Foucault’s ideas, there has been an important reflection about this concept recently. This paper seeks to point out some lines of investigation that have been established by Foucault´s philosophy of the apparatus. I stress, specia­lly, some investigations undertaken by Ian Hacking and Arnold Davidson and some works by Nikolas Rose. On the other hand, it is stated that the philosophy of appara­tus is aimed at carrying out a historical ontology, that is to say, thinking about how the interaction between knowledge, technologies, institutions and humans produce certain kinds of people.


Author Biography

Diego Alejandro Estrada Mesa, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Politólogo de la Universidad Na­cional de Colombia, magíster en Filosofía de la Universidad Pon­tificia Bolivariana y candidato a doctor también de la Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana. Actualmente está afiliado institucionalmente a la Facultad de Medicina de la Univer­sidad Cooperativa de Colombia en Medellín. Sus líneas de investiga­ción actuales son la Filosofía de la Medicina, la Histórica Crítica del Presente y la Bioética.


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