Cybersecurity in mobile telecommunication networks and management risk
3.5G, 4G, Computer attack, Cybersecurity, Risk managementAbstract
The 3.5G and 4G network technology are currently the most used in Colombia, given the great deployment that Internet service providers have made, which represents a security challenge with respect to the different attacks on these networks. The interception of data with "Man in the middle attacks" (MiTM) and denial of service - DoS (in the smartphone or in the mobile network) are very feasible. In this article of applied research, some risk and security vulnerabilities in mobile networks and their possibility of exploitation, as well as the general recommendations for risk reduction. To achieve the above, an investigation of different vulnerabilities in these telecommunications networks was carried out, a risk map was made, in order to visualize the possible impacts, then, a technical test was run to capture traffic with the MiTM attack (which was successful), and as a final result, deliver recommendations in the event that they can execute cyber-attacks.
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