Analysis of the vegetation indices NDVI, GNDVI and NDRE for the characterization of the coffee crop (Coffea arabica)
Coffea arabica, Multispectral images, Precision agriculture, Spectral índiceAbstract
Recently, vegetation indices have been used in order to determine the type of cover, with the interest of its temporal variation evaluation, or with the aim of determining the crops health status from estimation of some characteristics such as plant vigor, chlorophyll content, nutritional status or water status. Several studies have put forward a range of vegetation indices that use different bands in the visible and near-infrared spectrum to obtain characteristics of interest. In this study, statistical differences between the NDVI, GNDVI and NDRE vegetation indices estimated from aerial images taken at 30 m above the canopy of an experimental Coffea arabica crop were evaluated. Spearman correlation coefficient showed a higher correlation between the NDVI and GNDVI indices compared to that found between either of them and NDRE. In addition to this, it was observed that, according to the values of the coefficient of variation, and the subsequent analysis of the histograms, the NDRE index presented a greater sensitivity to variation in plant vigor, which would suggest a greater potential to characterize the state of development of coffee cultivation, compared to other studied indices.
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