Desarrollo de software para especificar la puesta a tierra del neutro de generadores síncronos
Short circuit, Generators, Neutral, Standard, Grounding, SoftwareAbstract
This article studies the effects of operating a generator with an inadequate grounding of the neutral. Interpretation of the selection method and calculations necessary to specify the neutral grounding types recommended by the IEEE Std C62.92.2 ™ -2017 [1], IEEE Std C37.101 ™ -2006 standards [2] and GTC-206 [3].
The conception that a software should have to facilitate the process of selection and specification of the grounding of the neutral of a synchronous generator is presented, which later was developed by means of a free programming environment allowing to specify all the types of implementation the recommended grounding in the aforementioned standards. As an application exercise through the use of the developed software, compliance with these regulations could be determined in the current neutral grounding of the four generation units of the Calima Hydroelectric Power Plant.
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