The promotion of the digitalization of the ports of the Spanish Port System through the Business Observation Tool
Business Observation Tool, Digitalization, Ports 4.0, Spanish Port SystemAbstract
The Port System is immersed in a digital transformation process towards the concept of Ports 4.0. This entails new regulatory and connectivity requirements, making it necessary to implement the new technologies offered by the market towards digitalization. This article aims to offer Spanish Port Authorities a new Business Observation Tool (BOT) methodology that will allow them to successfully undertake the digitization of the Spanish port system. At the heart of the model are the resources and motivations as the axes that allow its viability. Thus, personal elements are studied by those who design the business, the context of observation (place, people and history) and finally the macro-environment. With the application of the aforementioned methodology, it can be concluded that Spanish ports are currently in a medium-high position in terms of digitalization, and that they continue to update and innovate in order to be increasingly competitive in this market. Once again, it is clear that technology alone is not useful to achieve Smart Ports/Ports 4.0.
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