ElectroFun: a Gamification-based Application to Support the ISO 55000 Asset Management System Implementation in Codensa
Asset management, Digitalization, Gamification, ISO 55000, Knowledge managementAbstract
This paper presents the development of a gamification-based mobile app to support the implementation of an ISO 55000 asset management system in Codensa. The Energy Assets mobile app, proposed as a strategy to introduce the concepts of the ISO 55000 asset management systems and the CREG 015 resolution, which gives the mandate for the implementation of the standard, is shown. The methodology, from which the eight (8) levels of the game were designed, is presented, and the basic concepts of asset management systems, the life cycle of an asset, and the general provisions of CREG resolution 015 are discussed. For the development of the different questions included in each level, multiple strategies were applied, such as single selection, multiple selection, association of concepts, and completing definitions. Finally, gamification as a digital strategy to support Codensa’s ISO 55000 certification objective, and in general to involve its collaborators in projects of general interest, is highlighted.
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