Performance evaluation of the ILHA Solteira’s city (SP) sewage treatment plant by primary facultative ponds
The main objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of IlhaSolteiraSP Sewage Treatment Plant during the different yearly climatic seasons. A bathymetric survey of the primary facultative lagoons, a 24hour monitoring and the tracking of its performance in 3 stages of collection of 3month long each were conducted. The plant had almost 40% of its effective volume occupied by sludge; the final effluent registered an average BOD removal efficiency of 80,2%; only 3 samples reported values of MPN of Faecal Coliforms under the limit of 1000/100mL defined by legislation; in the third stage, the effluent recorded settleable solid values above the permissible limit of 1,0 mL/L. Most of the time and despite of the climate variations, the plant met the Brazilian environmental regulations in terms of BOD removal and settleable solids, but infringed the regulations in terms of the MPN of fecal coliforms, making the need to set up a posttreatment system to reduce the eventual environmental impact caused by the effluents and the risks to public health in the discharge area and downstream the dumping final point evident.