The detection of pathologies from diabetic disease: a review of digital retinal image analysis


  • Jorge Rudas Grupo de Investigación y Desarrollo en nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (GIDTIC).
  • German Sánchez Torres Universidad del Magdalena


Diabetic diseases affect the internal structures of the retinan circulatory system. Diabetic retinopathy is considered the leading cause of blindness in adult populations; this aspect has motivated the development of several works related to the inclusion of computational techniques for analysis of retinal images. In this paper, we review and describe recent literature regarding digital retinal processing, particularly the automation of detection, segmentation and location of pathology processes, arising from diabetic retinopathy condition. A pathology type-ased classification was performed.



How to Cite

J. Rudas and G. Sánchez Torres, “The detection of pathologies from diabetic disease: a review of digital retinal image analysis”, Ing. y Des., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 316–338, Dec. 2013.