La dinámica urbana desde la perspectiva social y comunicación alrededor de las aguas residuales en La Guajira (Colombia)
Community participation, participative communication, social change, law, stabilization pond, water system, reusingAbstract
This study shows the description of results of social and communicative components of the Project on the development and implementation of mathematical models to represent the behavior of sewage treatment plants in the 15 villages of Departamento of La Guajira (Colombia). With the problem of water shortage, a greater attention has begun to be focused a closer and concentrated resource, whose quality is relatively constant and known: sewage. Results showed most social actors’ lack of knowledge about the state, process, planning and execution of the work with water system. Besides, regarding the possibility of reusing sewages after an adequate treatment procedure in stabilization ponds, these do not have structural conditions for treatment work and the community, in general, does not know their existence. These factors have been the cause of the lack of social and community participation and mobilization in order to create the conditions for the social monitoring and follow up required to make possible alternative solutions to the problem of shortage of water in the region.
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