De la revolución sandinista a las telenovelas: el caso de «puntos de encuentro» (Nicaragua)



Communication for social change, edutainment


This article attempts to explain the success of Puntos de Encuentro‚ communication endeavors. Tracing the history of the organization and its founders, the chapter explains how the following elements make Puntos an exceptional communicator for social change: Puntos grounding on Freirean philosophy of communication; Puntos founders‚ experience in the Sandinista revolution; Puntos commitment to maintain strong links with progressive social movements in the country; Puntos emphasis on popular culture and cultural identity.

The chapter concludes with an assessment of Puntos‚ communication project as a hybrid of different traditions within the field of communication for social change, such as popular education, communication for empowerment, and edutainment.

Author Biography

Clemencia Rodríguez, Universidad de Oklahoma, Estados Unidos

Profesora adjunta departamento de comunicación, Universidad de oklahoma, profesora invitada, departamento de comunicación social, universidad del Norte.




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How to Cite

Rodríguez, C. (2022). De la revolución sandinista a las telenovelas: el caso de «puntos de encuentro» (Nicaragua). Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 12(1), 108–137. Retrieved from



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