Managerial Sciences faculty Students’ perceptions about University Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility, University, investigation, perception, business degree of technology and innovation as an es-sential component of their corporate strategyAbstract
The theories of Social University Responsibility find sustenance in terms of management and functioning organizational, educational, cognitive impacts, epistemologists and social that give him a different characteristic on the Social Responsibility associated with the companies. Therefore, the objective of this study is to know the perceptions held by university students of third and fourth year -the highs levels- of Business Administration, Marketing, Foreign Trade and Public Accountant degrees, about Social Responsibility in their university –Universidad de la Empresa-. The methodology used is mixed(quantitative and qualitative approach), corresponding to a exploratory and descriptive research with and non probability sampling –convenience- and utilized as technology of obtaining of information the survey. The results indicate that the majority of the polled pupils know the terms related to thesustainable development, nevertheless these concepts have not been obtained in the formality curricular of the university studied careers, but they have been acquired in the education extra university (not formal).References
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