Violencia y paz en los discursos de la prensa : un análisis desde la construcción social de la realidad



Violence - Colombia, mass media, armed conflict


Generalization of violence, originated from a variety of sources and com municated by mass media, seems to be contributing to creating among colombians an imagenery focus on crime, where fear in the present has to cope with hope in a better future. Due to the complexity of this postulate, a line of investigation is proposed here, through an interpretative epistemology which will enable, in an initial phase, to analize the discourses of violence and peace regarding armed conflict that are visible in the press, through Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann's Social Construction of Reality Theory. Thus, this proyect focusses its atention on the encoding process of journalistic discourses in El Heraldo of Barranquilla.

Author Biography

Marta Milena Barrios, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Comunicadora social y periodista.


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How to Cite

Barrios, M. M. (2022). Violencia y paz en los discursos de la prensa : un análisis desde la construcción social de la realidad. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, (11), 38–73. Retrieved from



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