Vivencia infantil del clima de violencia y represión bajo dictadura.


  • Salomón Magendzo Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile
  • Manuel Rubio M. Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile


Violence, repression, dictatorial regimen


This research starts from presupposing that Chilean dictatorial regimen does not only affect boys and girls whose relatives were directly arrested, tor tured and/or disappeared, but also those who not had to live the massive repres sion climate, specially in marginal neighborhood.

Most interviewed young people spontaneously remembered the climate character ized by protests of population and intensive repression between 1983 and 1986. The interviews were analyzed by using an inductive method without pre-established cat egories. Starting from youngsters' narration about their childhood, the following main points permitting to organize the information were identified: description of violence and repression climate; the phenomenon of such climate emotional personal experience as boys and girls: family reactions to that climate, the view about child bood, family and population that interviewee thought they had as boys and girls; the consequences of having lived in a violence and repression climate to both levels social and personal; and the relationship of youngsters and their memory as well as their present view of their population.

This paper gives account of the findings in the above-mentioned points: and thereafter, it extends on a discussion about these findings.

Author Biographies

Salomón Magendzo, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile

Director del departamento de psicología.

Manuel Rubio M., Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile

Licenciado y Magister en Educación.


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How to Cite

Magendzo, S., & Rubio M., M. (2022). Vivencia infantil del clima de violencia y represión bajo dictadura. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, (11), 2–37. Retrieved from



Research Articles