Minority Language Media Studies and Communication for Social Change: Dialogue between Europe and Latin America



Media; minority language; convergence; hybridity.


This contribution stems from a personal interest in expanding Minority Language Media research into the Latin American context. It also arises from a desire to present some of the achievements of Communication for Social Change in Latin America to a European media studies community not acquainted with them. In order to do this, the paper begins by presenting the common ground between the two areas of studies. It draws attention to the fact that language is but one of many cultural aspects under which indigenous and ethniccommunities are marginalised from and by the main media outlets in Latin America. Because of this, research into Latin American Minority Language Media needs to have a contextual approach that studies the processes of identity negotiation and participatory agency defined under the concepts of hybridity and convergence. It also demands for research to increase participation of its subjects of inquiry, as consistently requested by practitioners of Communication for Social Change. Finally, both of these aspects, a contextual approach of hybridity and convergence, and the encouragement for more participatory research, are presented as the fundamental dialogue to expand Minority Language Media studies to Latin America and to provide feedback for its further advances in Europe.

Author Biography

Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed, Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia

Profesor Asistente, Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad de La Sabana. Candidato a PhD, Adran Astudiaethau Theatr, Film a Theledu, Prifysgol Aberystwyth University, Cymru, UK.


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How to Cite

Uribe-Jongbloed, E. (2022). Minority Language Media Studies and Communication for Social Change: Dialogue between Europe and Latin America. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 19(1), 2–25. Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/investigacion/article/view/2860



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