Una propuesta para el análisis de las imágenes científicas en la formación del profesorado: una aproximación socio-epistemológica.


  • María Luisa Ortega Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España


Images, scientific knowledge, scientific images


The objective of this work is to present some theoretical and methodological lines which explore alternative forms of thinking the image and its potentialities in the process of construction and communication of scientific knowledge. Our proposal starts from the teacher's reflection about the role of the image in the construction of the knowledge, posing a multidisciplinary approach. It can be summarized in three topics of reflection and analysis: the scientific image, its specificity and typology: the evolution of disciplines and the evolution of the supports of construction and circulation of images; and the uses of those images in different contexts of the scientific practice. These three topics of reflection are explained in detail.

Author Biography

María Luisa Ortega, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España

Departamento de Lenguas modernas y filosofía.


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How to Cite

Ortega, M. L. (2022). Una propuesta para el análisis de las imágenes científicas en la formación del profesorado: una aproximación socio-epistemológica. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 10(1), 76–99. Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/investigacion/article/view/3057



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