Port Urban Interface in Barranquilla: stages of urban development and its relation to the port



“Maritimidad”, Port Urban Interface, Barranquilla, Governance


A retrospective sight into the different stages of the Port-Urban Interface in the City of Barranquilla (Colombia) provides a frame of analysis to the current situation in which the city has consolidate hat we in this article as “maritimidad fluvial”; however despite the fact of its former state as an important development engine, currently it is very far from being a potential for development. The question is identified through the fact that the port itself is actually seen as an engine for economical development. While «Maritimidad» is seen as the effective and efficient relation between a city and its port; and the port must get involved in all levels of development in the city. In the case of Barranquilla it does not seem to be clear although this is a special, industrial and port district.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Adrián Vergara Durán, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Dr. En Geografía Urbana.

Eric Foulquier, Universidad de Brest, Francia

Dr. En Geografía.


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How to Cite

Vergara Durán, R. A., & Foulquier, E. (2012). Port Urban Interface in Barranquilla: stages of urban development and its relation to the port. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 20(1), 2–31. Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/investigacion/article/view/3833



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