Perceptions of Citizens from Barranquilla (Colombia) about e-Government
e-Government, Perceptions, Uses, ICT, Barranquilla.Abstract
e-Government (EG) strategies are crucial in current societies. The goal of this paper is to know the perceptions (expectations and experiences) of citizens from Barranquilla (Colombia) about EG.
We run two surveys: the first exploratory with a random sample of city citizens (N= 345) and the second descriptive with a non-random sample of university students (N=180). The findings show a low knowledge of EG sites, and that individuals who were aware of them had a hard time to define them.
We also found that citizens from Barranquilla relate EG with information search, and in a lesser extent to participation and interaction with the administration. The data from the survey to college students shows a relationship between the age and the use and confidence toward EG. We conclude that future research on EG should focus more on the citizens and lees in technical elements.
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