Beliefs and practices of sexuality in pregnant teens in Cartagena, Colombia - 2014
Beliefs, practices, sexuality, teenagers.Abstract
It aims to make an analysis of the realities and social phenomena more evident in the daily life of the Cartagena communities of recent times: the beliefs and practices of sexuality in adolescents, in which most of the time due to ignorance and failures in education, usually generates a drawback or more disturbing for contemporary societies problems: unwanted pregnancies. Phenomenon that increasingly becomes part of everyday life and the dynamics of families in all socio-economic spheres, leading to continue tending by mechanisms of social intervention to educate, sensitize young people to safeguard their welfare. Thus, it will be reviewed and consideration of the reader some interpretations and concepts of authors who have addressed the above mentioned phenomenon; from an academic position until the scan job field, to finally argue the way from the institutions and stakeholders, you can configure those means, mechanisms or conducive to the education of adolescents.
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