Prefix Cyber: archaeology of its presence at the knowledge society
cybernetics, control theory, cyberculture, cyberspace, communication.Abstract
This paper was proposed in the framework of the epistemological foundations of the Guane (Systemic Thinking) and Cibercultura y Territorio (Studies in Science, Technology and Society) research topics belonged to the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia and it is the result of a bibliographic review that was to search principal key, words preceded by cyber prefix. We exposed here an archaeology of the prefix “cyber” which is used to refer to everything that has something to do with the internet or automation process. Piedra (2011) attributed to Beer pointed out the overused of this prefix and stated that: “It’s a shame that its popular use has taken the root to cover everything from the cyber-man and cyber-dogs, to cyber-cafes and even, cyberspace.” We found that, from the archeology made, that homeostasis and feedback appear as fundamental principles of organization in nature, this fact allows a cybernetic view of the natural and artificial world; also we observed indiscriminate use of concepts related to cyber prefix , in common dialect as in academic discourse. In the first part of the text, we set out the founding principles of cybernetics, related to the biology and control theory; in the second part, we outline the idea of cybernetics and its different stages of development. We end with some applications of the prefix “cyber “to identify some apocryphal and authentic uses. We conclude with some considerations that allows the reader to ask him/herself about the use and abuse of this prefix.
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