Corporate and technology and innovation strategies alignment in a sample of enterprises from different regions of Colombia


  • Leonardo Pineda Serna Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


Management of innovation, corporate strategy, strategic alignment, Regions Colombia.


The goal of this investigation was to identify the perception of a group of enterprises located in different regions of Colombia as far as the alignment between the corporate strategy and the technological and innovation strategies. A sample of 166 enterprises of all sectors and sizes participated.The methodology of Innoradar was applied. The outcome of the analysis underline that there is still a long way for the enterprises to incorporate modern management concepts associated with research and development issues, and most specially the importance and meaning to align the strategic management of technology and innovation as an essential component of their corporate strategy.


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How to Cite

Pineda Serna, L. (2022). Corporate and technology and innovation strategies alignment in a sample of enterprises from different regions of Colombia. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 18(1), 2–23. Retrieved from



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