Psychological indicators on transgressor behavior of traffic rules




Personality, infractions, accidents traffic, automobile driving, anomia (source: MeSH, NLM)


This article of reflection derived from the investigation: psychological profile of frequent violators of norms of transit in the Valle de Aburrá (Durán Palacio and Moreno Carmona, 2016), has as fundamental purpose to raise the evidence of indicators psychological activities that explain the propensity in drivers to the commission of repeated infringements to the rules of the Traffic Code and road safety. Using the Personality measurement Instrument, 16 PF-5, the results indicate the existence of common traits in frequent and non-frequent offending drivers, low levels of anxiety and emotional instability (C-), low self-esteem and little interest in giving a good self´s image (MI-), extraversion low (EX-), distracted and with absence of practical sense (M+), suspicious, self-absorbed and calculators (N+), with difficulty in acting with others (Q2+) and inclined to be tense and impatient (Q4+). What is noted is the presence of personality traits that favor a generalized trend in drivers to the transgression of the transit code.

Author Biographies

Norman Darío Moreno Carmona, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Colombia

Psychologist. Master in Education: Human Development. Doctor in Psychological Research. Teacher- Researcher University of San Buenaventura. Medellin Colombia. Carrera 56C N ° 51-110. At the time of develop the research and writing of the article, he worked as a teacher-researcher in the Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Nicolasa María Durán Palacios, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Colombia

Psychologist Master in Psychology. PhD in Philosophy. Professor-Researcher Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Medellin Colombia.


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How to Cite

Moreno Carmona, N. D., & Durán Palacios, N. M. (2018). Psychological indicators on transgressor behavior of traffic rules. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 26(1), 140–161.



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