La telenovela colombiana: un relato que reivindicó las identidades marginadas


  • Ana Cecilia Cervantes Universidad del Norte, Colombia


Identity, excluded identities, melodrama, soup opera, storytelling, creating characters


This study is the result of the analysis of telenovela as a phenomenon of mass culture that has contributed with the vindication of the identities margined of the State, and in the Colombian case, as a proposal that subvert traditional melodrama. Preliminary research about the genre tried to demonstrate that Colombian telenovela has always appeared as a different kind of telenovela in Latin America, exhibiting since the beginning stories and characters who represents the working class of the country. Three telenovelas from three different decades shaped the analysis of the identities constructed from socioeconomic, ethnic and gender differences: La Alondra (1964), Gallito Ramírez (1986) y Yo soy Betty la fea (1999). The novel construction of the main characters was an important innovation for the genre on this cases.

Author Biography

Ana Cecilia Cervantes, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Profesora del departamento de comunicación social y directora del canal uni5tv, universidad del Norte (Barranquilla, Colombia). Master en guiones para cine, televisión y multimedia, universidad de Bergen (Noruega).


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How to Cite

Cervantes, A. C. (2022). La telenovela colombiana: un relato que reivindicó las identidades marginadas. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 13(2), 280–295. Retrieved from



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