Continental Islands: a model for the mainland Caribbean? The case of Yucatan




Island, Mainland Caribbean, Yucatan, Contemporary Writers, Imaginaries


The Yucatan Peninsula, located to the east of the Mexican Republic, is frequently represented as "the country like no other", or even, indeed, as an island. This article discusses two key issues with regard to Yucatan and its relation to the national/regional space: insularity, and the existence/ belonging, to a Mainland Caribbean. The first point discusses the idea of the island and its limits, as a way of understanding the Caribbean region as a space that articulates an island-mainland dynamic. The second point, using Yucatan as a key example, explores the notion of "islandness" moving inland (not seawards). Both axes focus on the ways in which we think about limits, and the ways we identify spaces, cultures and identity. This article considers literary representations of "islandness" in contemporary Yucatecan writers whose constructions suggest ways of looking inwards at micro-spaces in the interior of the peninsular and in the mainland Caribbean.

Author Biography


Doctora en Ciencias Filológicas por la Universidad de La Habana (Cuba); M.Phil. en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la University of Cambridge (UK); BA en Literatura Inglesa y Español por la University of Leeds (UK). Desde 1990 es profesora e investigadora en el área de Literatura Latinoamericana, de la Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (Mexico).




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