Assessment of Generic Competencies in Multicultural and Pluri-ethnic Contexts through Personalized Learning Environments


  • Aslin Gonzalo Botello Plata
  • Heyner Rafael De los Reyes Navarro
  • Linda Sofia Araujo Castellar


The present research work proposes a currently non-existent model of Formation and Evaluation of Generic Competencies (Saber Pro) in the Colombian University Environment through Personalized Learning Environments, based on the theoretical approaches regarding the exegesis of learning and the taxonomic assignment of levels of ascending cognitive complexity in multicultural and pluriethnic contexts, proposed by SOLO. The sample of the population under study is 14,000 students, who cohabit the alma mater of the University of La Guajira, Colombia. The survey was used as a technique and the design of an evaluation instrument by generic competence, structured in items, blocks and booklets. To analyze the responses recorded in the instruments, the Item Response Theory (IRT) is used, as well as Descriptive Statistics, to identify the most iterative specific difficulties of the students after being evaluated in the generic competencies pre-established by the Icfes. Finally, the conclusions infer, the ascending (taxonomic) classification of levels of cognitive complexity, when using Personalized Learning Environments, in the process of Training and Evaluation; Education individualized to the context, aptitudes and interests of the student through Machine learning tools.

Author Biographies

Aslin Gonzalo Botello Plata

Ph.D. en Educación, Ingeniero Electrónico, magíster Scientiarum
en Gerencia de Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo, magíster en
Energías alternativas y Eficiencia Energética. Especialista en Gestión
de Base de Datos y Seguridad, especialista en Educación Superior a
Distancia. Profesor TC, Universidad de La Guajira (Colombia).

Heyner Rafael De los Reyes Navarro

Candidato a magíster en Educación de la Universidad de Zulia (Venezuela), licenciado en Filosofía de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
(Colombia), asistente editorial Revista Científica Pensamiento y Gestión y
miembro del Grupo Marketing GIM, Escuela de Negocios Uninorte.
Docente e investigador Institución Pública Educativa de Educación
Media María Inmaculada de Barranquilla.
Correspondencia: Universidad del Norte, Km 5 vía a Puerto Colombia, Barranquilla (Colombia).

Linda Sofia Araujo Castellar

Candidata a magíster en Gestión y Desarrollo Turístico Sostenible,
profesional en Administración de Empresas, miembro del grupo de
investigación Motivar, Universidad de La Guajira (Colombia). Correspondencia: Universidad de La Guajira, Km 5 salida a Maicao, Riohacha, La Guajira (Colombia).


2022-10-25 — Updated on 2023-09-02

How to Cite

Botello Plata, A. G., De los Reyes Navarro, H. R. ., & Araujo Castellar, L. S. . (2023). Assessment of Generic Competencies in Multicultural and Pluri-ethnic Contexts through Personalized Learning Environments. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (51), 188–217. Retrieved from