Materialism, Impulse Buying, and Debt: A Study with Consumers at the Bottom of the Pyramid


  • Andressa Hennig Silva UNIPAMPA
  • Jaiane Azevedo
  • Mikaela Floriano


This study aimed to analyze the impact of materialism and impulse buying on the propensity for indebtedness among bottom-of-the-pyramid consumers. A quantitative, descriptive survey was conducted with 202 respondents from this socioeconomic group. The main findings indicate that materialism significantly impacts impulse buying, and two of its dimensions directly influence the propensity for indebtedness. These results reinforce the understanding that the level of materialism can be linked to impulsivity and indebtedness among bottom-of-the-pyramid individuals

Author Biographies

Andressa Hennig Silva, UNIPAMPA

Doutora em Administração (PPGA/UFSM)
Docente no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração/PPGA / UNIPAMPA - Universidade Federal do Pampa

Jaiane Azevedo

Graduada em Administração (UNIPAMPA)

Mikaela Floriano

Graduada em Administração (UNIPAMPA)
Mestre em Administração (PPGA/UNIPAMPA)
Doutoranda em Administração (PPGAdm/UNISINOS)



How to Cite

Hennig Silva, A., Azevedo, J., & Floriano, M. (2024). Materialism, Impulse Buying, and Debt: A Study with Consumers at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (57). Retrieved from