Profile management for health care institutions in Barranquilla


  • Leonor Alicia Pacheco


This research paper aims to define a management profile for the health
institutions of Barranquilla, based on the consensus of a team of experts
in Bogota, Medellin and Barranquilla. For that purpose, the following
competences are defined: Knowledge, skills, and self-awareness supported
by the Latin America Leadership institution and academic authorities related
to competences. It is also based on the research carried out by Renee
Bédard on behavior and its application in administration. To determine a
management profile, some of Michel Godet’s methods were applied from
the Strategic Prospective –Laboratoire d’Investigation Prospective et Stratégique
CNAM, Instituto Europeo de Prospectiva y Estrategia–.The result is a Management
profile comprised by 50% of self-awareness, 30% knowledge, and 20%
skills; and they established that each and every one of these competences
are closely related to each other and represent a true challenge for those
who have or wish to have a successful managerial position.

How to Cite

Pacheco, L. A. (2011). Profile management for health care institutions in Barranquilla. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (25). Retrieved from


