Business leadership for technological innovation in micro, small and medium enterprises


  • Rosa Amalia Gómez Ortiz


This essay presents an overview about some of the most relevant
leadership theories, in order to determinate the basic elements that could
facilitate the development of the micro, small and medium enterprises.
Different theories were reviewed including some from the psychological
perspective, basics for the entrepreneurial leadership. The various conceptions
about the effective leadership differ from author to author. The
attributes associated to leadership, mentioned with more frequency were:
face risk, flexibility, trust in oneself, interpersonal skills, competence to
carry a task, intelligence, resolution to take decisions, to understand to
his o to her followers, good communication and courage.

How to Cite

Gómez Ortiz, R. A. (2011). Business leadership for technological innovation in micro, small and medium enterprises. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (24). Retrieved from


