Intellectual capital. Some thoughts on its importance in organizations.


  • Duván Emilio Ramírez Ospina


This document is the result of the research process on human capital that the
author has been developing. This paper collects some advance about other categories
associated with human capital which contribute to improve the economic results
gamed in the organizations and countries as consequence of the development of
the knowledge economy that has given place to the emergence of the theory of the
intellectual capital. As the result of the changes in the concept about the way
of creating, measuring and distribution of wealth which has resulted from the
breaking of the industrialization principles which have governed the economics
system for several centuries.

How to Cite

Ramírez Ospina, D. E. (2011). Intellectual capital. Some thoughts on its importance in organizations. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (23). Retrieved from


